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Mineral Veggie Salt: A Healthier Alternative to Table Salt

Writer's picture: Mountain Girls HomesteadMountain Girls Homestead

Mineral Veggie Salt

Every summer, and towards the middle of September, I take the summer’s bounty of my garden vegetables, and either can them for my kitchen pantry storage or dehydrate them to make nutritious and beautiful herbal/veggie salts and seasonings. These veggies combined with pink Himalayan rock salt, makes the best flavor and seasoning for my favorite foods and dishes.

Pink Himalayan Rock Salt

Himalayan rock salt is a natural form of salt that is harvested from the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. Himalayan salt contains 84 different minerals and is high in electrolytes. There are numerous health benefits to using Himalayan salt, and to name a few, it helps balance the body's electrolytes and pH, helps relieve migraines due to its high magnesium and calcium content, and helps aid in digestion. Mixing dried herbs and vegetables to Himalayan salt adds healthy, nutrition to your foods.

Season your favorite foods, like scrambled eggs, soups, chicken, roasts, hamburgers, steaks, casseroles, popcorn, meatballs, potatoes, fish, tuna, French fries, bread dips, and tacos. This is a frugal way to preserve the summer’s bounty and save MONEY by making your own kitchen seasoning salts.

Some of the dried herbs and vegetables that I have combined with Himalayan salt are dried parsley, rosemary, basil, sage, marjoram, winter savory, thyme, dried leeks, carrots, dill, onions, lavender, orange peel, nettle, chili peppers, calendula petals, tomatoes, and green, yellow and red peppers.

If you don’t have a garden, you can purchase most of these herbs from local farmers at farmers markets, health food stores or here and here.

For this particular post, I dried cherry tomatoes, carrots, and red, green and yellow peppers.

Supplies you will need are:

1) Any vegetables or herbs that you enjoy

2) A dehydrator like this ONE

3) Mason pint jars to store the seasoning in

4) Labels for your jars.

5) Pink Himalayan Salt (I ground the salt down a little to make it more finer)

6) A Food Processor or Mixer (to grind the veggies/herbs and salt)

7) Large bowl to mix together your ingredients

The rich colors, flavor, and earthy, herby smell that this particular mix has, just adds so much indepthness to my foods and dishes. It's a wonderful way to incorporate ingredients that are nutritious, high in flavonoids, vitamin C and and high in antioxidants to your meals or snacks.

To Make:

1) Prepare and dehydrate your choice of herbs and vegetables, according to your dehydrator's instructions.

2) Once everything is dried, you will need to blend them in a mixer or food processor to make them into a semi powder or flakes.

3) For this mixture, I used 2 cups of dried carrots, ½ c of dried tomatoes, ½ c of dried green, yellow and red peppers, and then ½ c of Himalayan salt

4) Combine all the ingredients into a bowl, stir well, then pour into a mason jar with a tight lid and label it. Use within six months.

5) Have fun blending different herbs and veggies together to make your own kitchen pantry seasoning staples. Enjoy!

PS: These make wonderful gifts for Christmas, wedding favors and birthdays.

Mineral Veggie Salt


I am not a doctor, nor do I diagnose or treat people. While I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and natural remedies that I use, remember that using herbs and natural remedies are a personal choice. The information that I share on my blogs are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease. All things on these blogs are my opinions and shared knowledge, based on my research or the research of others. Also, if you have a medical condition, are taking pharmaceutical drugs, or are pregnant, please consult with your physician prior to taking herbs or attempting natural remedies.

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