My three favorite herbs, Rosemary, Sage and Peppermint, grow beautifully in my garden. There has been a lot of tea parties in my home, with baked cookies, cakes and pies. My three girls have grown up in a home where herbs are a daily part of their life, not only for culinary purposes, but for the healing alternatives that herbal teas have to offer. A natural, holistic way to get herbal nutrition into your body is through herbal tea infusions.
This tea mixture is great for digestion, menstrual support, and it's aromatic and caffeine free. If you don't have access to dried herbs, you can buy them here. I harvest rosemary, sage and peppermint from late June through the end of September. Once dried, I measure them to equal parts, grind them in the motor-pestle, and then store in a mason jar. It's easy and chocked full of herbal nutrition. If you don't have these dried herbs, you can buy them here.
Rosemary: Has anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties, helps boost the absorption of glucose into the cells, aids in digestion, improves brain function by boosting mood and memory.

Sage: Has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant properties, eases digestion, and supports heart health.

Peppermint: Has anti-bacterial properties, eases digestive upsets, eases headaches and sinus congestion, is cooling, minty and aromatic.

To Make:
1) Measure 1/4 c up each dried herb, can buy here, mountain rose herbs
2) If the herbs aren't already ground, you can grind them in a blender here magic bullet, or a motor and pestle here
3) Store the dried herbs in a mason jar with a lid, here
4) Add 1 tsp to 1-2 c of hot water, steep for 3-5 minutes
5) (optional) This is a strong, aromatic tasting tea, add 1 Tblsp of honey or to taste
6) (optional) Add a dried or fresh orange slice for added flavor and C boost
I am not a doctor, nor do I diagnose or treat people. While I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and natural remedies that I use, remember that using herbs and natural remedies are a personal choice. The information that I share on my blogs are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease. All things on these blogs are my opinions and shared knowledge, based on my research or the research of others. Also, if you have a medical condition, are taking pharmaceutical drugs, or are pregnant, please consult with your physician prior to taking herbs or attempting natural remedies.
Mountain Girls Homestead (MGH) is a personal blog written and edited by Michelle, Jocelynn, Sophia, and Nikole Norman. If you have any questions, please contact us.
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